
Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation has been shown in study after study to improve a patient’s confidence and self esteem, and is one of the most satisfying procedures in cosmetic surgery. Implants are selected based on each individual patient’s goals and shape.

What to Expect

Dr Gina uses mostly high profile, silicone implants, placed through an incision under the breast. Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Patients can expect to return to work in 3-4 days and resume all normal activity in four weeks. The breasts continue to heal and the implants settle to their final position over the course of six months to a year, however most patients are swim suit ready about four weeks after surgery. Pain is very manageable and most patients are off pain medication within two days after surgery. Sensation to the nipples and areolae are usually not affected in the longterm, but can go through periods of hyper or hypo-sensitivity during the first six months.

Breast Lift

For patients who are happy with their breast size, a breast lift can be performed on its own without an implant. For these patients who have maintained their volume but have experienced droop than a lift is all that is needed. It is the same incision pattern and operation as a breast lift with an implant but the patient’s own volume is used in place of the implant to give fullness to the breast, reposition the nipple to its correct location, and reduce the areola. Patients end up with an improved shape to their breasts with a smaller areolae and the nipple adjusted to the right location above the level of the breast fold.

What to Expect

Patients can typically return to work in less than a week, and resume all activities at six weeks. Patients wear a bra during recovery and may not have as much upper pole fullness than with an augmentation, but ultimately will have an improvement in the shape of the breast after removal of the excess skin that causes droop.

Lift with Implants

An augmentation with a lift is one of the most technically challenging operations a cosmetic surgeon can perform, therefore not everyone is a candidate for a one stage procedure. Dr. Maccarone has refined her approach to a breast lift with an implant that is very individualized to each patient’s shape. At your consultation, Dr. Gina will perform measurements and examine your anatomy to determine the best procedure, size, and shape for you.

What to Expect

Due to the complexity of the procedure, a breast lift with an implant takes longer to heal and recover then a simple breast augmentation. The incisions are more extensive and the breast tissue is completely reorganized during a lift. All these newly positioned tissues must heal before it is safe for high intensity activity. Patients are required to refrain from vigorous activity for six weeks after surgery and remain in their post-surgical bra during this time. Scar care begins at 3 weeks or once all incisions are completely healed, as it is not uncommon to have small areas that require longer to heal.

Breast Reduction

Of all the possible procedures that are most instantly gratifying, a breast reduction is high on the list. Patients who seek a breast reduction usually have been burdened by chest heaviness, neck and back pain, shoulder grooving, difficult fitting bras, and being as active as they prefer. For these reasons, patients who undergo a breast reduction are some of the happiest of all cosmetic surgery patients. Dr. Gina takes great pride in each breast reduction where the breast is lifted and made smaller at the same time. The incision pattern is actually identical to that of a breast lift.

What to Expect

By removing some of the breast tissue, the breasts are shaped into a more round and lifted shape. Simultaneously, the nipple is elevated and the areolae reduced. The end result produces an improvement in all of the symptoms (almost instantly) and a restoration of self-esteem. The recovery from a breast reduction involves minimal pain despite the more extensive incisions. Normal activities and work can typically be resumed in a week. Patients are required to wear their post-surgical bra for six weeks following surgery, after which they may return to full exercise. Patients typically maintain or even improve nipple sensation after sugery and can still breast feed.

Female-to-Male (FTM) and Male-to-Female (MTF) top surgery

Specially tailored for transgender patients, Dr. Gina’s goal is to align your physical appearance with your true self. There are a wide variety of options that are specific to your existing anatomy, such that every procedure is individualized for you.

While we do not display before & after photos of gender-affirming procedures online to protect patient privacy, they are available for viewing during private consultations to help guide your decision-making process.

What to Expect

Depending on your goals, recovery can range from a few days up to 2 weeks before return to work or normal activity. Typically it will be 6 weeks before patients can perform heavy lifting or high intensity exercise.