For Men

Male Breast Reduction

Men who are bothered by excess chest tissue (gynecomastia) can find a solution through male breast reduction. This procedure involves the surgical removal of extra fat and glandular tissue from the chest. The result is a flatter, more masculine chest. Some patients may require only liposuction. Others may also benefit from tissue and/or skin excision techniques for more extensive tissue excess.

What to Expect

There may be some swelling, bruising, and discomfort after the surgery. Many patients return to work in three or four days. Most patients wear a compression garment for a minimum of two weeks after surgery and postpone exercise for at least three weeks.

Eyelid Surgery

Patients who are a candidate for eyelid surgery often feel that they look tired or fatigued, even after having a good night’s sleep, or have dark circles or “bags” under the eyes. This can be due to the presence of excess skin or tissue laxity in the eyelids. Eyelid surgery involves removing the excess skin an sometimes the excess fat in the pads around the eyes.

What to Expect

There is minimal pain following upper-eyelid surgery. Some swelling and slight bruising may occur but should subside over the coming days. Many patients return to work or light activities in two to three days and are ready to be seen at one to two weeks. With lower eyelid surgery there may be some discomfort, but this lasts only a few days. Lower eyelid surgery usually produces some bruising that resolves within on to two weeks. It will be important to protect your eyelids as they heal, since they will be especially sensitive to the sun temporarily.


Body liposuction is the most requested cosmetic procedure in the United States. It is ideal for patients who have tried to lose weight through diet and exercise, but who haven’t made more progress in certain areas of the body such as the thighs, abdomen, flanks, and arms. By targeting these problem areas of fat, this procedure makes it possible to achieve your desired tone. Although the procedure is heralded for its success in getting rid of unwanted fat, it is not considered a weight loss solution.

What to Expect

Patients will have the most drainage for the first forty-eight hours, as any residual tumescent fluid added during the procedure exits the body. A compression garment is worn continuously during this period to minimize swelling, provide compression, and comfort. Swelling reaches its maximum on the third day and improves significantly after about three weeks. After about three months, the results continue to improve for up to a year while the skin softens and smoothes. Patients typically feel ‘lumpy, bumpy, and numb’ during this early period. Lymphatic massages can be helpful to remove fluid and aid in recovery. Massages can start the day following surgery and continue every day for the first ten days as a minimum. A compression garment is worn 24/7 for the first six weeks, and then during the day until three months after surgery.